
Tuesday 3 March 2020

Respect/Kia Tika.

Walt: Create a quality for an online audience, using correct sentence punctuation. 

What is respect?
Well respect is when someone shows a sense  of worth or excellence to another, human, animal or an object. In our world there are many to be respected for example, A King, Queen, Bishop, Priest, Prime minister, Boss, Parents or anyone else for that matter. Being respectful can also mean using your manners. This means saying words like, thank you, my pleasure, your welcome, please, no thanks, maybe later, I apologise (sorry), and many more. a way you can display a sense of respect more often is to use this in your everyday life, Like using the manners I have listed for you and treating everyday people like a king or queen.
Thank You. 


  1. Tēnā koe & Hallo Joshua. You have a very well-written paragraph about respect here, well done. I really enjoyed reading your conclusion, and connecting everyday people with royalty. This is a great idea for helping people to understand respect.

    I wonder, why do you think showing respect is important? How might someone show respect to someone they don't know, or someone they don't get along with? Would respect look differently for your friend than it would for a stranger? Why might this be?

    Are there any people in your life that you treat like royalty? Who are they and why do you think you chose those people in comparison to some others in your life?

    I'm thinking about my great-grandparent, my Nana & Poppa, and how I will always be respectful in front of them. No matter how grumpy or upset or frustrated I may be, I know that I will always be on my best behaviour for them, even as an adult, because I would be really disappointed in myself if I ever disrespected them. Do you have any people like this in your life?

  2. Hello Joshua.
    I really appreciate your post and how you perceive respect. I like how you listed multiple types of people that can be respect, however you also explained that regular everyday people could be shown the same respect of that of a king or queen. Why do you think this is? How would you show respect to royalty? Would you show respect in a different way for different people?
