
Wednesday 19 February 2020

My Hobby.

WALT: Use correct punctuation.

Ever since I was a little boy I'v wanted to be in the US air force, so it would be obvious that I would have something to do with the military. So I picked up a piece of paper and drew a bunker. To me bunkers are amazing because you have just enough supplies to sustain your life, no more, no less. It really opens your eyes to  know that you are not living on the streets, yet you are not above everyone else. So to me planning on a single piece of paper means a lot. 
Thank you.


  1. Hi josh i like bunkeis with with you i like your story keep up the good work

    1. thank you. I am glad to know that we are both able to share a passion.

  2. hi josh wow you want to be a us air force that soo cool maybe next time you can add a picture but other wise good and can you say hi in south africin?

    1. Hi Kade,
      Thank you. Yes, the US air force has always been a dream for me and I really hope that I will be able to achieve that. In South Africa there are 11 languages. I speak Afrikaans and our language is made up of multiple European languages like Douche, German, Swedish and more as is English, made up of those languages. So when we say hi, we say hi.
