
Tuesday 18 February 2020

Tech 2020.

When I say tech you may be thinking, computers, i pads and phones, but the tech we will be talking about is a program for schools around the far north where my class and I go to different classes at a school called, 'Kaitaia Intermediate School.' Last year I went tech but today I will be talking about 2020. On Thursday the 13 of the 2nd, my class was cooking. first we done a little bit of paper work, were we had to sign a duty roster, then we made corn fritters. Before we made we fritters we were assigned a partner, my partner was Ari. Making the fritter were fun and all but the highlight of my day was when Mrs Du Flu, called me John Britain. My brother is John Brits, and she thinks I am him.


  1. Hi it is Ari, I really like your post, and you were very descriptive with your word. You could have explained all the different types of classes available at tech.

  2. This is a very descriptive piece of writing Joshua, well done. Remember to include our WALT in your mahi.

  3. nice josh very descriptive remember walt

    1. this is the better version hi josh great work next time remember the WALT.Do you have a favourite tech teacher

  4. Hi Josh this is a good piece of writing. Did you enjoy tech? If could cook anything what would it be?
