
Friday 6 March 2020

Nga Atua maori.

Walt: Write to describe how nga atua maori relate to us. 
Dear reader,
On Wednesday we learnt about the maori gods.  Our class associated emotions and colours with the gods. The order of the gods and what I like to call the emotional path is, Rong- ma-tane (yellow), Maui (orange), Raumoko (purple), Tu (red), Tawhiri (baby  blue) Tangaroa (dark blue). These are all a class of emotions that are in order, yellow is happy, you get moodier until red at this point you are angry, baby blue your coming back, dark blue your coming back to yellow. Then my class, another class and I sang a song about this. This was all after my class and I done a collaborative art. So yeah we done some real good work. It took some time but eventually we got there. So what maori god do you relate to? 
Sincerely Joshua D. Brits.   


  1. Tēnā koe Joshua. I really enjoyed reading your post, especially the connection you made between the atua and our emotional pathways. How did you find connecting the different atua, colours, and emotions? What have you enjoyed the most when we've been learning about aspects of Te Ao Māori?

    I think of the atua you've listed, I relate most to Tangaroa. Although I'm not always in a calm state, I love being in and around the ocean. I always feel calm and collected at the beach especially, and I'm always at peace when I'm submerged under the salt water. As you know, Tangaroa is the guardian of the seas and oceans, so when I think of him I always think about how I feel when I'm at the beach. What atua do you feel that you relate to the most?

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  3. Dear Ms. Fleet
    The thing I liked the most about learning about Te Ao Maori is the culture. Learning about verity's of culture because, I like seeing multiple ways of doing things like fishing, cooking dancing hunting and more. I found it a mixture of fun and annoying because I had to stand up and go half way across the class room every 5 seconds, otherwise I enjoyed this because it is very organised and I like to be organised, (My tray does not count). The god I feel most related to is Maui because he is always the one who is in trouble whenever there is trouble. This is literally me at my house this morning and every other. Another reason you will see on April 1st. I have already said to much. So if you made this post what is one thing you would have changed?
    Sincerely Dr. Joshua D. Brits.

  4. Hello Joshua

    I really appreciate your post, and you have done an excellent job. I like how you listed the Maori gods that relate to emotions, as well as listing them in order from happiness to sadness.
