
Wednesday 15 April 2020



  1. Hi Joshua, I really enjoyed reading through your Germany slide. I especially like the background image you have used, as it shows Germany's country with the colours of Germany's flag.

    I noticed you mentioned Germany was called Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. I wonder, after reading chapter 1 of Refugee today, how do you think Josef may have felt, living in Germany in 1938? You also mentioned Hitler turning Germany into a dictatorship. Could you explain to me what you mean by Germany becoming a dictatorship? Why do you think Hitler decided to turn Germany into a dictatorship country? Are there any countries in the world that are run similar to a dictatorship today?

    1. Hi miss,
      Yes Germany has had their flag since 1919 during the weimar republic. Ever since Germany has existed there has been two traditional competing colour combinations made up of black, red and gold vs, black, white and red. So the next time you look at the German flag remember that there is no yellow in it.
      Moving on to your next question, I feel like me and Josef would be similar so my thoughts on his feelings during this time would be having the urge to do something about the problem of Hitler, and that passion striving him forwards in the direction of his goal well knowing you won't be able to achieve this.
      Now a dictatorship is when a country is ruled by a so called supreme ruler. Another example is North Korea. Now Korea is the last country under the rule of a dead dictator Kim Il-sung. It is also under the rule of Kim Jong-un but Kim Jong-un only makes the dissensions for the country. I personally think that Hitler decided to put Germany under the laws of dictatorship due to a mental condition that google wont give the name of.
      But some people say he was simply mad. As a young boy he wanted to be an artiest but his art teacher despised his dream so he went into politics. So I guess you can blame WWII and the affect on the world and all these lives taken, on an innocent art teacher. So please don't say I can't make it in the air force, you never know what could happen. I remember about two years ago in your class we were talking about Adolph Hitler and we were wanting to know the cause of his death. Riki kindly searched it up and told you but you two have decided to keep it a secret from the class. Back then I was also into the military and I knew what the answer was and I knew that it would be best if you did keep it to your selves. Here is more information on the definition of a dictatorship,
      (There is no full stop in that on purpose). So I wonder how would you react in Nazi Germany back then?
