
Monday 27 April 2020

Sunday 26 April 2020

Historic people research.

Our planets history is unique. It has had it's ups and downs but hey, look we're still here today. Along side our history came the people behind it. They were all great but not all good. Like Elvis and Kim Jong-un. Today we will be talking about 3 of the most brutal men in history.

Adolph Hitler.
Adolph Hitler was a dictator in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. His life span was from the 20th of April 1889-30th of April 1945. He wanted to become an artist yet his teacher despised him of his dream so he went into politics. During his life time he had only 1 wife by the name of Eva Braun. He fought in WWII as a soldier and ruled over Germany in WWII. Under his rule his country fought 6 wars all together (so far).

Fidel Castro.
Fidel was the ruler of  Cuba during the 16th of February 1959 - the 2nd of December 1976. He was born on the 13th of August 1926. He lived to the age of 90 due to a death of natural causes on 25th of November 2016. And during his life he had 2 wives.

Bashar al-Assad.
Assad was born on the 11th of September 1965 and is still ruling over Syria to this day. He is worth approximately 5 billion USD. Which is 8,311,655,000.0 NZD. Not as much is known because he is till alive but I have tried my best on him.

This blog post been brief yet this is the information that I've gathered without having to research any other sight but google. Thank you.

Josef art project book-refugee.

I really enjoyed making this it was kinda fun. 

My suitcase.

Recently my class and I have been reading a novel. This book is called refugee. I highly recommend it. I was looking at a chapter where a boy had to pack his suitcase because they had to leave immediately. So I was thinking, what would I have in my suitcase if I were to flee the country as a refugee?

My essentials. 
Well in my limited space I would need to think wisely and not waste space, so I would have stuff that are compulsory go in first. Such as a tooth brush, shoes, new socks, clothes, food, my cat, cat food, money, clean water, a phone and a power bank/charger. Yet essentials may be all I need is it all I can have? 

Non essential items. 
Though I can live off of the given, can I have a life slightly better than on the verge of survival? Well of cores. I can also have things to keep me entertained and thinks to stimulate my brain. I can have things to help me in a tight situation and things to help me out in any other way. Like, a knife, a gun, lots of ammunition, a computer, a Rubik's cube, a puzzle to play with my family and more thing that I can not name because this is all I've thought of. 

About the book. 
The book that my class and I were assigned goes by the name of 'refugee'. You can find this in an online shopping centre, you can get the digital version free, you can get the audio book online on sights like youtube and google, and you can even just look for it in a bookstore near you. The book has and odd structure due to it's chapter placement. The first chapter is about one child in this area and the second is about a new child in the next, finally the 3rd chapter is about a new child refugee in a new place and then the book goes like the order in the diagram shown. 

Chapter 1 is about child 1. 
Chapter 2 is about child 2. 
Chapter 3 is about child 3. 
In this order it goes, 
Child 1's story then child 2's story then child 3's story then back to child 1's story then back to child 2's story and so on. 
So tell me what would you pack in your suitcases if you were a refugee? And if you've read the book what do you think about it? And if your still reading it where are you up to? Thank you for reading and stay tuned for another post. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Friday 3 April 2020


WALT: Classified. 
The past few days have been rough. I feel as if I am stuck in a trench surrounded by enemies. I know it seems as if the feeling is non existent until you have found out what I've been through. Sadly I am not aloud to say for the sake of the way you look at me but you have to trust me on this you will never look at me the same way again. Only a handful of people know but I even regret telling a few of them. I feel as if I'm being watched in every moment of my existence. As if my own shadow has turned against me. With the chain of recent events I am not sure I should even post this. As my fingers move a physical weight pulls down on my shoulders not hard enough for me to scream but mark my word's "It hurts". Just think of some of the things that could have happened, something that I could have done or maybe the actions of another. Either way the pain is ever growing. It is starting to get unbearable, watching the days fly by without being able to do anything. I don't want the pain anymore. I know I can't stop what is going to happen, but I know I can't try. Despite me not being to prevent it, I can definitely slow it down. I didn't want it to end this way, but what am I able to do. If you ever do find out about what happened or even what is going to happen, I ask you to keep it a secret until further notice. I feel bad and not whoops I dropped mum's china plate bad or even whoops I lost dad's wallet bad, But a whoops I bumped him off the grand canyon bad, you know that is not what happened but it feel's like I did. Sorry to bother you with my issues but I needed to tell someone. I ask you leave a comment for the sake of conversation and company. If you have made it this fr into the blog post congratulations you are my hero.
This is Joshua D.B. saying thank you and out.