
Friday 27 March 2020


WALT: Be responsible.

Wednesday 25 March 2020


Today was a pretty normal day we had breakfast and played games nothing out of the ordinary. You may expect there to be some sort of twist  with an, UNTIL.... but there was none of that sort of stuff. UNTIL.... Na just kidding. My brother was playing on the PC. You know fortnite, apex and all that sort of stuff. John (my brother) if very good with the heavy shotgun especially, but he is good with other guns too. despite the fact that playing on PC is new to him he is still pretty good, well better than most other people in the lobby. On average he get 1st 2nd or 3rd place. The reason I am talking about my brother playing fortnite is because of two reasons, the first is we are no aloud to play video games, and the second is because there is enough talk about covid 19. Corona virus this corona virus that. "We are here to interrupt your program because of a special speech by our prime minister, stay in doors, be kind, don't panic and stay safe". RRRR,  this makes me so mad. Life without school is a nightmare. I HATE IT. All I can do is watch my brother play games and stay inside. According to my parents I am aloud to go outside or to my friends house, but people who are not scared of it see my walking to my friends house and say, "What are you doing outside?" I hate it. I pray we will be able to go back to school soon and god bless my attendance.

Friday 6 March 2020

Nga Atua maori.

Walt: Write to describe how nga atua maori relate to us. 
Dear reader,
On Wednesday we learnt about the maori gods.  Our class associated emotions and colours with the gods. The order of the gods and what I like to call the emotional path is, Rong- ma-tane (yellow), Maui (orange), Raumoko (purple), Tu (red), Tawhiri (baby  blue) Tangaroa (dark blue). These are all a class of emotions that are in order, yellow is happy, you get moodier until red at this point you are angry, baby blue your coming back, dark blue your coming back to yellow. Then my class, another class and I sang a song about this. This was all after my class and I done a collaborative art. So yeah we done some real good work. It took some time but eventually we got there. So what maori god do you relate to? 
Sincerely Joshua D. Brits.   

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Book review.

Walt: Create a quality for our online audience, using the correct punctuation.
World air power journal.
Recently I have read 3 books each of which are from the same author/ series. The series of books are called ' World air power journal. Well issue, 28, 33 and 34. I enjoy these books in particular because they are on the topic of military aircraft's. My job in the future will be an officer in the air force, so mean while I'll be getting as much knowledge in as possible. I wish to collect the entire series while I have the chance, to enhance my knowledge on what I wan't to do for the safety of the our country. 
Sincerely Dr. Joshua D. Brits.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Respect/Kia Tika.

Walt: Create a quality for an online audience, using correct sentence punctuation. 

What is respect?
Well respect is when someone shows a sense  of worth or excellence to another, human, animal or an object. In our world there are many to be respected for example, A King, Queen, Bishop, Priest, Prime minister, Boss, Parents or anyone else for that matter. Being respectful can also mean using your manners. This means saying words like, thank you, my pleasure, your welcome, please, no thanks, maybe later, I apologise (sorry), and many more. a way you can display a sense of respect more often is to use this in your everyday life, Like using the manners I have listed for you and treating everyday people like a king or queen.
Thank You.