
Tuesday 14 May 2019


this was really fun to do and I learnt a lot that I had not known before we started on this topic.

  Find the perimeter and the area of regular and irregular shapes.

Monday 13 May 2019

why respect is important kai tika.

I think that respect is important because we all need to get treated the same way and respect is the key to helping others by making everyone happy.

Thursday 9 May 2019

digestive system.

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

This week we have read two texts. one was about how our digestive system functions.
The other was about a man, he got lost in the bush and ate mice (creepy).

When I read the text about ted (the guy who got lost in the bush) I was shocked at the fact about him having to eat mice, but then I realised that if I was in his situation then either I  eat them or they eat me.

I am glad that I am not in their situation, but if I was I would pray and act that anyone will rescue me.

This week, I was proud about me doing my literacy correctly because usually I just think maths. This week we made it really fun, I hope to do this again.

This week the amount of effort I put in to learning was 10/10. probably because we made it fun.

The digestive system is a system in your body that consists of a lot of organs to help your body get rid of the unwanted waste. From the mouth to anus the digestive system is around 30 feet or 9 meters for the average sized human. The teeth plays a big role in the digestive process as it is the first thing that breaks up the food or whatever else you  decide to put in your mouth that should not be there. The liver is an organ that takes a part in the digestive system. The liver gives your body energy by creating glycogen by sugars and carbohydrates. The stomach makes a juice sort of like acid that breaks down the food. This acid is called Pepin and kills harmful bacteria and breaks down proteins.

Friday 3 May 2019

My pepeha

The skeletal system

WALT think critically about texts and respond accordingly

Reflection: I am so glad it's done. it took forever.