
Tuesday 2 April 2019

king Richard lion heart.

Lionheart is my inspiration and if it was not for him then I would knot be writing this extraordinary information.
A true label.
I am not surprised that they have called him Richard lion heart for he had the heart of a lion. he was not fearful of anything. Yet as gentle as a lamb.

A battle worth fighting for. His majesty lionheart lead a crusade (An army getting sent across the sea.) of christians overseas to another religion who is against the christians to fight. You might be asking how did he get them to fight. Well he did not give his army to the bishop yet the bishop has taken the army over and said… “ If you would like to go to heaven then you must fight.” Although it was just a desieve almost the whole city fought. Then the bishop gave back the crusades to Richard and they fought for there freedom, and won it back.
                                            The treaty of waitangi.

Walt: post to our blogs using screen shot.

This story board was hard to make and very time consuming. But it was worth waiting for.